Tuesday Treat #51

It’s been a while since I did a Tuesday Treat. I like to think that it is a special occasion treat rather than a regular thing these days. This week, the special occasion is that I am busy scheduling everything because I have plans that take me away from home for almost a week.

This time, instead of focusing on one particular person, I thought I would share with you a couple of newly discovered celebrity crushes.

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Ben Bass is in Rookie Blue, which is a show I started watching after my friend Jen recommended it. It’s a Canadian cop show, pretty by the numbers, but it’s very entertaining, with a will-they-won’t-they relationship at its heart, so obviously I love it. Ben Bass plays Sam Swarek, one half of that aforementioned will-they-won’t-they, and he’s a bit lovely.

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Noam Jenkins plays my favourite Rookie Blue character, Detective Jerry Barber. He’s not very important, really, but there’s just something about him. I have read spoilers, and I know the direction his story heads in, and suffice to say he’s no longer a member of the cast. I’m gutted, but I’ll just have to enjoy him for the time he has left.

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Tom Mison is currently starring in Sleepy Hollow, which I started watching but kind of gave up on. I will go back to it at some point, but I feel like it’s the sort of show that needs to be marathoned to a certain extent. Anyway, Tom Mison plays Ichabod Crane, and he is a delight. His voice is especially lovely, especially as he’s English amongst all those American accents.

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Saving the best for last, we have Emun Elliott. Both photos here are of him as Mr Moray in The Paradise, but as Mr Moray is swoon-worthy, I felt it was only fair. I only started watching The Paradise this week, but I fell in love with him straight away (as I was warned I would by my friend Daniela). That top shot of him is just before he kissed Denise, and I will confess to having rewound it and watched it more than once. A pretty great kiss. Let’s ignore the fact that, at 29, he’s younger than me.

Tuesday Treat #50

What a milestone – fifty Tuesday Treats! I featured my first one in April 2010 (Mark Salling), and although it was originally intended to be a weekly post, it has taken me over three years to get to fifty!

I’ve frequently wondered about whether or not to continue with the Tuesday Treat. It’s not exactly my most highbrow series, and it calls into question all number of things about objectifying people based on their looks. But, I always come back to the same justification; I never feature a man based solely on the fact that I think they are physically attractive. In fact, when it comes to famous men that I fancy, most of my friends would argue that many of them aren’t that physically attractive (though I disagree, of course!). So although I often wonder if I should continue this series, I like it too much not to.

Today, in celebration of fifty Tuesday Treats, I am going to make like posts #21 and #40, and tell you about my five favourite celebrity men of the moment!


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It’s entirely possible that Nestor Carbonell is the prettiest man alive. I mean, look at that face. Those eyes! He hasn’t been the subject of a Tuesday Treat on his own yet (he featured in my Lost roundup), but that doesn’t mean anything. He’s just about my favourite celebrity crush at the moment.


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Nestor is, however, run a very close second by this man. My Steve Carell obsession has sneaked up on me a little bit; I have found him attractive for ages, but I get distracted by all the not-to-my-taste comedy films he does. Then up pops a Crazy Stupid Love or a Seeking a Friend for the End of the World and bam, I’m in love.

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My love for Hugh Laurie is truly one for the ages. To not include him on a top five list would feel a bit like blasphemy; I don’t think I could ever do it. I find him so interesting as well as attractive; I could listen to him talk forever. He’s so clever and funny and self-deprecating. He’s just a delight.

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Talking of a love for the ages, it’s time for Ewan. I forget how much I love him from time to time, but when I remember, he usually makes an appearance in my top five. Along with Hugh, a big part of why I love him so much is down to the type of person he comes across as. I think he’s probably a very nice man.

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The fifth spot was a hard one to fill this time around. Somehow I just couldn’t get myself excited about any one person! The whole point of a top five list in the first place is that they are supposed to be the five people that you are allowed to sleep with if you are in a relationship. But I’m not, so I’ve always maintained that I don’t need to limit myself to just five people! But to list all the famous men (and women) that I fancy would take forever, and I have Pinterest boards for that.

Anyway, back to John McEnroe. I’m guessing that with the previous four choices, I had most people nodding their heads in agreement to at least one. But I’ve probably lost the majority of you now. I don’t know what it is about John McEnroe, but I find him so attractive. It’s usually a seasonal thing; last year it lasted throughout Wimbledon and then we had the bonus of his sporadic appearances throughout the Olympics. But it’s sticking around a bit this year, not because I’ve seen him recently but because I’ve decided that it would be pretty cool to meet him, and I’m trying to work out how to do it (seriously, but in a non-stalkerish kind of way). This is one of those crushes that can be described as a Jane-crush. There’s a lot of them.

The previous two times that I have done a post like this, I’ve worked out the average age of the five men. The first time, it was 54.6, and then it went down to 51.2 the second time. This time, it’s 49! That’s mainly because there are no sexagenarians in this list as there have been before. Sorry Larry Lamb and Mark Harmon, you didn’t make the cut this time (though Larry Lamb is being all kinds of attractive right now with his beard).

Tuesday Treat #49

Can you believe that I have never featured the delectable Mr Hugh Jackman as a Tuesday Treat? The only time he has popped up on this blog is when I did a special Treat for my friend V’s birthday, and when I acknowledged Australia Day back in 2011. So I thought it was about time to put things right.

The thing about Hugh Jackman is that he’s not just easy on the eyes. I was listening to his interview on the Empire podcast the other day, when he was promoting The Wolverine (which I haven’t seen yet), and he just comes across as a thoroughly nice, charming, funny man. I rarely feature a man as a Tuesday Treat without finding them attractive in many ways. Sure, they are always very much my cup of tea physically, but they are also usually top bananas personality-wise, as far I can tell.

Anyway, enough chat, on with the handsomeness.

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The next Treat is the fiftieth! How will I celebrate such a momentous (!) milestone? I’ll have to get my thinking cap on!

Tuesday Treat #48

I finally finished watching Lost a couple of weeks ago. It took me a long time to even consider watching it, and then when I did, I was hooked, of course. Then it took me a fairly long time to get through it as I was only allowed to watch it with my friend Jen, who was the one who convinced me to watch it in the first place.

All the time I was watching, I was constructing a mammoth Tuesday Treat post in my head, full of all the men that I fancied. There’s a lot, so consider this fair warning. (It should go without saying that you will find no Matthew Fox here. No sir.)

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John Locke, as portrayed by Terry O’Quinn, is probably my favourite Lost man (it’s a very close run thing between him and the second person on my list). I don’t know what it is that I love so much about him, but I adore him. Even when he’s being an arse, and doing things that make other people literally want to kill him.

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Nestor Carbonell, who plays Richard Alpert, is the person who pushes Locke closest for first place. I think it’s pretty much a dead heat, because just look at that face. Those eyes! He doesn’t appear in Lost for ages, and when he does, he doesn’t pop up half as much as I’d like him to. But it’s always a treat when he does.

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From here on in, the list doesn’t really rank my favourites, but Daniel Faraday is definitely up there, so I thought I’d include him next. He also doesn’t arrive for a long time, and doesn’t stick around for long, but there’s something so very endearing about him. I hate, hate, hate the fact that he is in love with Charlotte, because I hate her, but I love the way he talks, and how clever he is, and how cute he is. Jeremy Davies, who plays him, won an Emmy for his role in Justified, which is further proof that I need to check that show out.

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Somehow it was really difficult to find a photo of Henry Ian Cusick looking at his Desmond-best. I can’t put my finger on what is wrong with that photo, but there’s something. Anyway, Desmond is actually one of my favourite characters, so the fact that he is played by a delightful looking man is just a bonus. (He tweeted me too, which makes me love him that little bit more.)

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Ah Sawyer. So problematic to me. I know, know, that I am supposed to find him attractive, but there’s something that just stops me from doing so. I am including Josh Holloway here, because I think if I didn’t I’d get shouted at by my friends Jen, Hannah and Richard, but in all honesty, he doesn’t do a lot for me. I like Sawyer a lot though. I was very happy with how his story ended.

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Daniel Dae Kim may have the best bone structure of any man alive. Jin was such an arse to begin with, but by the end he was one of my favourite. He and Sun are my second favourite Lost couple (after Penny and Desmond, obviously), and I love the way his story develops throughout the series.

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I don’t know if other people (apart from Hannah) agree with me over Michael Emerson’s attractiveness. At first, when Ben first arrived, I couldn’t see how Hannah could like him, but as time went on, I started to agree with her. There’s definitely something about him, even if Ben is an arsehole throughout most of the series. Also, he has an obsession with a shoulder bag that drives me up the wall. He uses one at all times, on the island, in flashbacks, flash forwards and flash sideways. So impractical, especially on the island.

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Dominic Monaghan is a funny one, because I forget how much I like him in the face of my apathy towards Charlie. It’s not that I don’t like him (though at times he really does my head in), it’s just that I can’t really bring myself to love him. Also, he spends far too much time with Claire, who I hate, and he kind of gets damned by that, for me. Dominic Monaghan, on the other hand, is a delight, especially when he hasn’t got stupid Charlie Pace hair.

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For a while, Sayid was a major favourite with me. There’s something very attractive about a man who is so capable, and Sayid is pretty capable. He’s exactly the sort of man you’d want around if your plane crashed onto a mystical and island full of scary natives. I feel a bit bad for Sayid, because I think his big exit got sidelined by Jin and Sun. And hearing Naveen Andrews talk with his London accent is utterly charming. I love it.

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I’m including Jacob here, but to be honest I’m still on the fence about him. Mark Pellegrino is kind of funny looking, right? I think I like his quietness as Jacob. There’s something appealing about him, I just can’t put my finger on what it might be.

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Ah Frank. I feel like I should love Frank Lapidus more than I do, because he could not be more my type. I do love him, just not as much as I thought I would. My favourite thing about Frank is how he looks after Sun when they get back to the island. Finding a photo of Jeff Fahey was hard, though. Seriously, he looks utterly ridiculous as a young man.

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Ah, the Man in Black, played by Titus Welliver. Sadly, although the Man in Black is a major character, we don’t get to see Titus Welliver as much as I would like. Look at that face. Utterly beautiful.